The purpose of this blog

I want to share my experiences of what happened when I launched a grievance at the mental health charity Hafal (

The themes covered in this blog will include:

  • How managers behaved when the grievance was raised.
  • The injunction threat I received from Hafal Chair of Trustees, Elin Jones; Elin tried to stop me contacting the Health and Social Services Minister, Mark Drakeford AM.
  • Public interest concerns about Hafal.

Although this blog will be critical of senior managers at the charity I have always respected the work of the vast majority of Hafal staff, particularly those who work in the projects across Wales. However I am not the only person to have serious concerns about the way the charity treats its staff or is run from Head Office.

For this reason I have written to Hafal Chief Executive Alun Thomas. I have asked Alun a range of fair public interest questions relating to issues such as: staff treatment; confidentiality agreements and health and safety concerns. The letter included contributions from ten of my former colleagues.

I hope this blog helps people going through a hard time at Hafal and elsewhere in the workplace. Everything that follows in the weeks ahead is true and on the record.

In my next post I will write about what happened when I launched a grievance at Hafal.